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Harry Potter Themed Christmas Party

We had the exciting task of decorating Kings College in Cambridge, a Christmas Party for Gilead Sciences International LTD. 

Now Kings College is stunning and with the grand hall to decorate it was perfect to theme it after the Harry Potter Movies. 

With the sun out it was time to unload the van. Nearly 200 vases, candles, white stags, golden snitches and much more we unloaded and started to prep the install. 

Once the Hall was clear and redressed for us to step in. 12 tables, 4 flags and 250 place names to set this has to be my favourite Christmas party of 2017. 

Teaming up with Little Button Nose for the stationery the theme really came together nicely. With the staff at Kings Playing the Harry Potter theme turn it certainly made the grand hall feel like a scene from the movie. 

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